There are many ways to get from one place to the other in Cambodia: by airplane, by private car, bus or other transportation. Flying between cities is a not so expensive and popular option among visitors, while private cars provide the most comfortable and convenient mode of transportation.

Other travel options, such as boats and ferries, buses, taxis, and trains do exist, but they’re usually time-consuming and inconvenient. As a local, I’m going to show you some ways to travel around.

Train: Cambodia’s rail system has restarted service since 2016. There are several routes available to travellers currently linking Phnom Penh to Sihnaioukville via Kampot and Takeo. 

Now let’s talk about the destination from Phnom Penh to Kampot province. Two trains switch on the tracks — the Yellow Train and the Blue Train. The carts are air conditioned and have a charm to them. It’s a great way to travel as you can look outside the window and enjoy seeing the local life. 

The ticket office at Phnom Penh station is open 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. You can also call +855 78 888 583 during the same hours, but the easiest way to buy a ticket is in person. From Sihanoukville, Kampot or Takeo, you can buy at the station. 

Ferry Boat: Regarding the boat in Cambodia from Siem Reap to Battambang has 1station at Mechrey boat station. The boat will leave at 7am so customers need to arrive at the boat station 30mn before time. There is the option of taking a ferry boat from Siem Reap to Battambang. Although the journey will be substantially longer (8+ hours), it will be a memorable experience for sure, with some truly stunning scenery along the way – take a look at the video below to see some of the sights. The ferry boat services are operational throughout most of the year, closing at the height of peak season (April, May, and June) where the water levels are too low.

Bus:  Actually, in Cambodia has a lot of bus station an d the bus remains the most popular form of transport. Phnom Penh has several public city bus routes that are proving popular with local students but are not yet widely used by visitors. Elsewhere there are no public bus networks. Everywhere in the country, a bus or a shared taxi or local minibus are the most popular options. 

Flight: In Cambodia actually has 3 international airports, one in Phnom Penh City, in Siem Reap Province and  in Sihanoukville province. Cambodia has quite a lot of airline companies given the size of the country.

Phnom Penh-Airport is one of the major airports in Cambodia in the country’s capital city. The airport is modern and handles international and domestic flights. 

Siem Reap-Airport is another major transport hub for Cambodia. Obviously this airport sees a lot of travelers and tourists come through. It’s a great option for international and domestic flights. 

Sihanouk International Airport is Cambodia‘s third largest international airport.  It is named, like the province itself, after King Norodom Sihanouk., located 20 kilometres (12 mi) east of Sihanoukville in Preah Sihanouk Province

There are many different ways to travel around Cambodia and mostly it depends on how long you have in the country. If you have the time we recommend taking the train or a bus/private car and trying to see some of the country at a slower pace. 

Thank you so much,


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